Guardforce Post

Guardforce Macau Awarded For Employing Older Workers

Appreciation for Employment of the Elderly” Scheme - macau daily

On September 27, 2018, the commendation ceremony for "Appreciation for Employment of the Elderly” Scheme was held at the Lotus Hall of the World Trade Center in Macau. The scheme was organised by the Social Security Fund and co-organised by the Macao Labour Bureau and the Social Work Bureau to recognise companies and organisations that employ older workers in Macao.

Other than showing recognition for employing older folk, the scheme also aims to encourage the public to appreciate and recognise that older people have experience and capabilities to share, and thus provides more suitable job opportunities for older workers.

Guardforce Macau appreciates the work performance of our seasoned colleagues, and values them for their dedication and sincerity. They set a good example for the younger staff members.

Photo Source: Macau Daily


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