Secure Logistics

Coins Processing & Supply

Macau's largest volume coin processor

External back-office support

Guardforce provides coin supply and processing services, supplying coins to retailers to meet their daily operational needs and processing received coins for re-distribution or deposit. It means retailers don’t need to waste precious manpower on such time-consuming and low value-added task, and reduce the handling costs for coins!

Guardforce collects coins from customers in accordance with a set schedule. The coins will then be sorted, counted and verified in Guardforce’s coins operating centre, equipped with state-of-the-art sorting machines able to efficiently and accurately count and verify a high volume of coins. An equivalent sum of the collected coins will then be deposited into the customer’s bank account. The coins collected will be repacked to supply and deliver to retailers based on their needs. 

The service is actively used by transportation companies, retailers, supermarkets and charity organisations of Macau.

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