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Enhancing Elderly Care in Macau: The Role of Technology in Ensuring Safety and Well-Being

Enhancing Elderly Care in Macau: The Role of Technology in Ensuring Safety and Well-Being | Guardforce macauMacau, like many other regions, is experiencing an aging population. Over the past few decades, the proportion of elderly residents, i.e. those over 65, has been steadily increasing to around 13% of the population due to a number of factors including better healthcare, socioeconomic improvements, and falling birth rates. Though it is positive to see people living longer lives, it also poses a challenge to keep them safe and healthy under an increasingly strained healthcare system. In this blog, we will look at how to enhance elderly care in Macau and the role of technology in ensuring their safety and well-being.

Common health and safety issues faced by the elderly

As we age, we become less steady on our feet and our bodies become frailer. As such, falls are a major issue faced by the elderly. Injuries caused by falls can be severe and can even cause death, either directly or indirectly. Among health issues such as heart disease and cancer, another great concern is the onset of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s. Thankfully, these days we are able to better help with many of these concerns through advances in technology. Let’s look at some innovative tech solutions to enhance elderly care in Macau and improve their safety and well-being.

Smart anti-wandering solutions

One of the greatest concerns of care homes is the danger of elderly residents, particularly those suffering from a neurodegenerative disease, wandering off premises or into an area that might pose a risk to them. Traditional anti-wandering devices would either take the form of wearable bracelets, or sensors connected to doors and windows. Neither system is extremely reliable, and not only do they require regular maintenance, but could also be seen as rather archaic. Nowadays, new smart anti-wandering solutions exist which are much more effective and less intrusive. These systems, such as Guardforce Macau’s anti-wandering solution, seamlessly integrate into CCTV systems and use AI and facial recognition technology to immediately alert care givers if a resident moves into an area that might pose a danger to them. This means residents can freely move around safe areas without any wearable devices, and if there is an issue care givers can respond promptly.  

The solution has won a range of awards, including as the finalist of 7th Asia Pacific Eldercare Innovation Awards 2019 and a Certificate of Merit of the 2017 Hong Kong Awards for Industries – Innovation and Creativity, as well as 2019 Macau Business Award – 2019 Gold Award of Innovation.

Smart bed exit and fall detection alarms

As mentioned earlier, falls pose a significant risk to the elderly, especially in low light conditions or when they are alone. A fast response is vital if an incident occurs to lessen the risk of further injury or even death. Smart bed exit and fall detection alarms use radar to detect movements, and alert caregivers to offer immediate assistance when a resident gets out of bed or a fall is detected. See them in action below:

Vital signs monitoring systems

Another ingenious solution to help keep our elderly safe is Guardforce Macau’s contactless vital signs monitoring system. This non-intrusive, ceiling-mounted sensor uses impulse Radio Ultra-Wide Band Radar Technology (IR-UWB RADAR) to continuously scan for ToF (time of flight) motions in an area of up to 10 square meters. If a fall is detected, the device will monitor the heartbeat, breathing, and movement of the subject. If any of these vital signs is abnormal or not detected, then it will alert responders via a push alert to a smart phone or other wearable device for immediate action. The vital signs monitoring system is especially useful in areas where an elderly person might be alone, such as bedrooms or bathrooms. Learn more here:

Learn more about Guardforce Macau’s elderly care solutions

An aging population is the reality that many countries must face, and it is crucial that we embrace technology for our elderly’s safety and well-being. New technologies such as those showcased above improve safety and response times, enhance quality of life, and give peace of mind to families and caregivers.

Guardforce Macau is dedicated to improving the safety and lives of our elderly. To learn more about its elderly care solutions, click here.


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