Electronic Security Solutions

Video Analytics solutions

Ideal solution for perimeter security

Video Analytics solution provides artificial intelligence and machine learning capabilities, taking into account of changes in the environment and minimise the risk of false alarms.  It is an ideal solution for perimeter security in industrial sites, critical infrastructure, warehouses, airports and other strategic facilities.

Guardforce Macau’s Video Analytics Solutions offer analytics functions in the areas of Facial Surveillance, Advanced Object Tracking, License Plate Recognition, Dwell and Loitering, People Counting, Queue Management Analysis and Demographics. The solutions are easy to adopt, with easy installation and no separate hardware requirements. Video images can be viewed anytime anywhere via cloud or internet access.

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How Guardforce’s Video Analytics Solutions will benefit your organisation:

  • Optimise customer service and operations with valuable business intelligence from your existing video data
  • Provide insights to drive marketing and merchandising decisions
  • Recognise threats, based on triggers using facial surveillance, advanced object tracking and license plate recognition
  • Reduce investigation time from hours to minutes with a centralised and searchable database that includes powerful crime investigation analytics
  • Reduce risks of overlooking suspicious or real criminal events due to human error
  • Reports are available for documenting suspicious activities

This solution is ideal for monitoring premises with heavy human traffic, such as commercial buildings, shopping malls, airports, etc.

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