Guardforce Post

Guardforce Showcases Smart City Solutions In Macau’s Beyond Expo

Beyond Expo 2021 | Guardforce Macau

Guardforce took part in the Beyond Expo (International Technology Innovation Expo) in Macau, to be held at The Venetian Macao Convention and Exhibition Centre on 2-4 December.  Guardforce Macua showcased the advanced smart city solutions, including smart bins, robotics solutions, safe-living solution, as well as solutions powered by artificial intelligence (AI).

Smart bins integrate the technologies of data analytics, Internet of Things and cloud to intelligently manage waste bins. It can compress bin content to one-eighth of the original volume, as well as deliver real-time data. The information can be used to arrange waste collection routes to reduce cost and road-side carbon emissions.

Our smart robotics solutions use fully autonomous robots to serve multiple functions in commercial or residential settings, from delivery to sanitisation and patrolling. It can help to optimise human resources deployment while elevating service quality.

The safe-living solution uses wireless bed exit alarms system and vital signs sensors to detect the state of a monitored person. When the person gets off the bed without assistance, the system will alert caregivers to provide care immediately. It can avoid people in care falling or getting lost.

The AI application solution leverages AI and machine learning to maintain constant surveillance of designated areas in strategic facilities such as production lines, vital infrastructure, warehouses and airports. It can identify unusual occurrences at monitored sites and enhance security accordingly.

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